Biofilm – are you active or passive?

Biofilm – are you active or passive?

(1426 words)   ‘Sustainable Dentistry’ is now embedded as one of the key recurring themes across all dental practices – but what does that mean for dental professionals in their everyday work? In this article, Simon Davies, founder of CleanCert...
Is your 2022 resolution to proactively tackle dental biofilm?

Is your 2022 resolution to proactively tackle dental biofilm?

(604 words)   Do you devour the vast choice of dental titles that arrive in your practice each month, or only flick through them? Either way, you’ll spot a recurring topic across dental academic and frontline treatment areas: biofilm. Biofilm is an ever-present...
Five times the risk, one times the solution

Five times the risk, one times the solution

(469 words)   It’s time for dental practices to up their game when it comes to infection control. The good news is that this can be done more easily, more quickly, more effectively, and more affordably. CleanCert is the only treatment available today that...
Why HOCl dental rinse reduces risk for you and your patients

Why HOCl dental rinse reduces risk for you and your patients

(454 words)   Your patients have spent months wearing masks and taking extra precautions. They need to know that the dental rinse you’re offering them is as effective and as safe as possible. The gentle, biomimetic formulation of OraWize+ offers unparalleled...
Why HOCl is better for you, your staff, and your patients

Why HOCl is better for you, your staff, and your patients

(426 words)   Hypochlorous (HOCl) is the gold-standard for disinfecting waterlines, equipment, surfaces, and skin in clinical settings. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Maybe your practice already uses it? Either way, you need to be sure you’re using the optimal...